• Sexism and objectification
  • Sexual uncertainty and casual sexual exploration


  • Risky sexual behaviours, including sexting
  •  Sexual aggression, coercion and violence, including sibling sexual abuse
  •  Higher levels of delinquent behaviour (committing sexual offences)
  •  Physical and Sexual victimisation


  • Sexism and objectification
  • Sexual uncertainty and casual sexual exploration


  • Harm to young brains and addiction
  • Decreased emotional bonding with caregivers
  • Loneliness, less self-worth and depressive symptoms


  • Lower sexual satisfaction and sexualdysfunction (e.g. PIED)
  •  Negative body image
  •  Male sexual objectification of women andattitudes supporting violence againstWomen.
  •  Risky behaviour and other harms
  •  Sexual harassment and coercion
  • Psychological symptoms
  •  Addiction
  • Pornography as Sex Education


  • Negative body image and pressure to perform pornographic acts
  • Acceptance of rape myths
  • Domestic violence and sexual abuse
  • Increased marital rape
  • Decreased sexual satisfaction
  • Incidence of anal sex
  • Addiction
  • Sexually aggressive behaviour

Raising Resilient Kids :

The Impact on Children


The harms of pornography to children and young people are becoming increasingly difficult to ignore. Messages that children and young people learn from pornography, shape themselves and the culture we live in. Worldwide, pornography is now being framed as a Public Health Crisis by many governments, health, violence prevention and advocacy organisations.

Online access in South Africa

Global Kids Online

This study was conducted by the Centre for Justice and Crime Prevention (CJCP) and aimed to pilot the Global Kids Online research tools in a low income country, as well as gather rigorous and comparable evidence on the nature of children’s internet use in South Africa.

Get the Facts

Fight The New Drug

lot of people are convinced that there’s no such thing as an addiction to porn. But science disproved the old belief that in order to have an addiction to something it has to involve a substance that is physically put into the body; like with cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs. Excessive consumption of internet porn bears all of the signs, and dangers, of a true addiction.

Your Brain on Porn

(Author) Gary Wilson

The Your Brain on Porn book was first published in 2014. Since then it has helped thousands of readers to better understand the science of addiction and the possible effects of internet pornography.

A Public Health Crisis

National Centre on Sexual Exploitation (USA)

The pornography of today has created an unprecedented epidemic of sexual harm. Children and young people are being exposed to violent and degrading content, which by default has served as their sex education.

How Pornography Harms

(Author) John D. Foubert

Pornography is menacing people, relationships, and society, and this book has the research and stories to prove it. John D. Foubert, Ph.D., an interdisciplinary scholar who has studied sexual violence since 1993, shares the life stories of more than twenty people directly affected by pornography.


Good Pictures Bad Pictures

(Author) Kristen A. Jenson

Every child deserves to be warned about the dangers of pornography. Good Pictures Bad Pictures was designed to make that conversation easy for parents and empowering for kids.

To bring pornography out of the dark, where it has power, and into the light, where our kids have power!

Kids Can Reject Porn!

Protect Young Minds

Until our society makes the internet safe for kids, parents must be proactive in teaching what pornography is, why it’s dangerous and exactly how to reject it. The good news is that you CAN DO it!

Protect Young Minds equips parents with tools and resources to help prevent the harmful exposure of porn and provide answers on how to help kids with recovery from exposure and addiction.

How to Talk to Your Kids about Porn

Educate Empower Kids

Because exposure to pornography is inevitable, it is necessary to prepare our kids for that exposure. Porn’s addictive nature, the way it can alter a child’s developing brain, and how it will affect all of their future relationships make these discussions vital to a child’s healthy sexual development. Our kids must be warned of its dangers as well as educated about the hateful nature of pornography.

Parenting Resources

National Centre on Sexual Exploitation (USA)

Protecting and teaching children about the dangers of pornography and sexual exploitation is a big job these days. Here are helpful tools to make it easier. We have tried to organize them by categories to better help you find what you are looking for, but we encourage you to skim each category.

Raising Porn-Resilient Kids

Culture Reframed

Kids are just a click away from hypersexualized media and porn. That’s why Culture Reframed has developed a complete, best-practice toolkit, which will help you raise porn-resilient kids.

The Parents of Tweens Program is online, free, and accessible.

Practical Tips for Parents

It’s time We Talked

Pornography is now the most prominent sexuality educator for many young people. Most young people discover porn well before they encounter sex – perhaps even before they have kissed or held a partner. What do parents need to know about porn? How can you support your child in this new reality of pervasive porn?


Panodora’s Box is Open – Now what do I do?

(Author) Gail Poyner

Dr. Gail Poyner is a Licensed Psychologist who specializes in treating adults, adolescents and children who struggle with pornography addiction. She is known for her community outreach and public presentations about how pornography harms families, children and society. This book teaches parents the five-step C.L.O.S.E. plan to help their children become stronger than pornography’s powerfully addictive pull.

Fight for Love!

Fight The New Drug

Fight the New Drug is a non-religious and non-legislative organization that exists to provide individuals the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding pornography by raising awareness on its harmful effects using only science, facts, and personal accounts. FTND fights for real love and healthy relationships, including healthy sexual relationships. Thanks to science, we know that porn can negatively affect consumers’ sex lives, which is one of the many reasons we fight against it.

Quit Porn For Good

Fortify Recovery App

The creation of Fortify was shaped and inspired by seven converging areas of scientific discovery, each establishing one key element of what became our larger vision. These include: Brain Changeability, Risk Factors, Lifestyle Inventories, Mindfulness, Behaviour Change, Gamification, Digital Health and Education.

Your Brain on Porn

(Author)  Gary Wilson

The Your Brain on Porn book was first published in 2014. Since then it has helped thousands of readers to better understand the science of addiction and the possible effects of internet pornography.

Porn Recovery Addiction


The pornography of today has created an unprecedented epidemic of sexual harm. Children and young people are being exposed to violent and degrading content, which by default has served as their sex education.

Defeat Porn Together

Covenant Eyes

Covenant Eyes is designed to help you and those you love live free from pornography. Their accountability service helps you overcome porn by monitoring your screen activity and sending a report to a trusted ally who holds you accountable for your online choices.