Porn Culture Fuels Rape Culture. Together we can put an end to it!

During the last quarter of this very challenging year we at CASE-SA will be building up to joining the world in challenging violence against women and girls in the international 16 Days of Activism campaign.


The campaign runs every year from 25 November (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to 10 December (Human Rights Day), and during this time we will be focusing on spreading the word about eliminating Rape Culture, Gender-Based Violence,
and the sexual exploitation of women and children in South Africa – by eradicating pornography from our society.


There is no escaping it – Porn Culture FUELS Rape Culture.


Pornography is both a cause and a catalyst plunging South African society ever deeper into a public health and safety crisis.



  • It’s a tragic fact that South Africa is known as the “Rape Capital of the World”, with some of the highest rates of rape, sexual violence, and assault in the world.

  • South Africa is also reportedly one of the countries with the highest total volume of pornography consumption.

  • Research studies show that pornography consumption is a cause of Gender-Based Violence and sexual crimes, sexual aggression and coercion, and acceptance of rape myth.


It’s not difficult to join the dots, make the connection and face the cold hard truth – There is no eliminating RAPE CULTURE without eliminating PORN CULTURE.


We need YOU to join us and become part of the solution – so what can YOU do to help #Endsexploitation?

  • EDUCATE – Teach yourself, your family, your community, make them aware – get everyone to join the dots. (CTA: Insert link to the two documentaries and the Who video)

  • EMPOWER – Empower yourself, your family, your community to make real changes – within your own home and the broader community by arming each person with knowledge. (CTA: invitation to book a parent talk)

  • ERADICATE – The end goal… combatting Rape Culture in your home and community by putting a stop to the normalisation of pornography addiction and culture. (CTA: share the How to pornproof your home / school video and link to download infographic)


We all “pick our battles” on a daily basis. Some aren’t worth the effort while others are ones we cannot afford to lose –


Porn Culture… Rape Culture…
Join the dots – Make the connection – Fight them both!


We BELIEVE this is one of those battles we absolutely cannot lose! Together WE can fight to #Endsexploitation.

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